HVAC referendum CCS Superintendent Letter

Hello Everyone,
I am sending out the letter that Robert Gilbert sent to the CCS Staff and Boards last evening.
Good Evening CCS Staff
I am very happy to report that the Town of Colebrook voted to approve our HVAC project at their referendum today. The vote was 100-46 in favor of the project. The dream of a new HVAC system has been discussed and debated for over 10 years, so tonight’s vote is a major step forward for our school to improve the heating, cooling and air quality for our school. . This project is now contingent on the District being awarded a grant from the State of Connecticut. We will be submitting our application with all required documents in the next few days and the state will inform us in January as to whether we have been awarded the grant. We will keep you informed along the way.
Many thanks goes to our Board of Education and Board Chair Andy Bakulski for their full support of this project as well as First Selectman Chris Johnstone and the Board of Selectmen for their full support. We also thank the Board of Finance and the voters of Colebrook for approving this project.
Have a great Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends.
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HVAC Referendum Vote Results

Good Morning Colebrook Residents,
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)….Coming soon to a school near you! I am pleased to announce the results of the Referendum for the Colebrook Consolidated School HVAC Referendum that was voted on yesterday, 22 November 2022. The voters of the Town of Colebrook approved a $1.8 HVAC project for school. This is subject to being awarded a grant that will limit the town’s share of the cost to $1 million or less and further approved the borrowing of up to $1 million for this purpose on terms satisfactory to the Boards of Selectman and Finance. There was a total of 146 votes cast, with 100 “yea” votes and 46 “nay” votes.
The school superintendent now has permission to submit all of the required documents for the grant to the State of Connecticut for review and hopefully we will know in January if the town has been awarded the grant.
I am very appreciative of all of the work that has gone into this project to move it forward. Upgrading the Mechanical Room, HVAC system and the electrical service has been a project discussed and worked on by the School Building Committee, the Board of Education and the Board of Finance for many years. I thank all of the past and current members of these boards for all of the help and thought that has gone into this project.
Chris Johnstone , 1st Selectman
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Colebrook School Seeking Instruments


Colebrook Consolidated School has a thriving instrumental music program which is comprised of students from grades 4, 5, and 6. Some of our students use instruments which are rented through area music stores, and some of our students use Colebrook School owned instruments. At present, our school is in need of additional band instruments. We especially need flutes, alto saxophones, mallet instruments, and some low brass instruments.

If you, or someone that you know has a band instrument that is not being used, and would like to have it donated to Colebrook School, we would greatly appreciate it. We would accept a band instrument once we check the overall condition and playability of the instrument. For additional information please contact Mr. Valerio or Mrs. Driscoll at Colebrook School.

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Veterans Crisis Line – New Number

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Notice is hereby given that a signed copy of the Agreement between the Colebrook Board of Education and the Colebrook Teachers’ Association for the period of July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026, is on file at the Town Clerk’s Office for public inspection during regular office hours.

Dated at Colebrook, Connecticut, this 12th day of September, 2022.

Debra L. McKeon, Town Clerk

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Affordable Housing Plan

The updated Draft Colebrook Housing Affordability Plan is now available for review. Click here to review the full updated DRAFT plan.

The original draft plan was available for review and the committee solicited comments. As a result of comments received, one revision was made to the original draft plan. The strategy that was on p. 19 that referenced collaboration with the Colebrook Land Conservancy was removed. This strategy seemed like it might cause confusion and it was removed for greater clarity.

The new plan is posted, available for your review and comment. The plan is also available for review in the Town Clerk’s Office.

The Colebrook Housing Plan Steering Committee wants to hear if Colebrook Residents support the DRAFT plan’s goals before it goes to the Board of Selectmen for adoption. Please take 5 minutes to take the online survey and give us your feedback today!

Click here to complete 5 minute survey

Colebrook has beautiful open spaces and a rural small-town quality of life. The Affordable Housing Plan seeks to protect these aspects that we love about our town while also, in a strategic and focused way, working locally to meet our residents’ housing needs over the next five years.

The goals of this plan are:

  1. Form a non-profit (501c3) Colebrook Housing Organization
  2. Expand housing options for seniors
  3. Keep residents living safely and affordably in their homes
  4. Support first-time home buyer options

View the Housing Plan Survey Flyer here

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Pinney Street Bridge Closure

GM-2 Associates has advised the Town of Colebrook that due to the deteriorating condition of the Pinney Street bridge that it should be closed to vehicular traffic immediately.
Effective  August 31, 2022, at 12:00PM the bridge was closed to all vehicular traffic until further notice.
The Pinney Street Bridge is located between Millbrook road and Route 44. The detour routes will be via Hannafin Road to the east and Millbrook road to the west.
This bridge has been slated for replacement, GM-2 Associates has completed the engineering requirements for construction of a new bridge and town funding for the project has been secured. Once the town receives the fifty percent cost share grant for this project we will be able to being the construction process.
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Farmington Valley Health District Initiatives

QPR Institute Classes

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help.

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Message from the Colebrook School

Dear Colebrook School Community,

As you know, the health, safety and wellness of students and staff are of the utmost importance here at Colebrook Consolidated School. There are no words to fully express our feelings about the horrific mass shooting that occurred yesterday in Uvalde, Texas. Our hearts, prayers and thoughts go to the grief-stricken families and staff of Robb Elementary School. While we have all seen far too many of these events, it does not make it any easier to process this tragedy.

The staff at Colebrook School will address and support students today and in the coming days based on their individual needs. Whatever your child’s need may be, our dedicated staff and teachers, psychologist, support staff and administration will support students at their developmental level. In addition to the support of our students, we encourage anyone in our school community to share any safety concerns with us. Even with all of our protocols in place, sometimes the best information comes from students and/or family members who recognize an issue that raises concern. During school hours, please bring your concerns to Principal Beth Driscoll. After school hours, please report any concerning threats or important information directly to law enforcement.

With our number one priority of keeping students and staff safe, please know that Colebrook School has security protocols and plans in place, and that all students and school personnel regularly participate in crisis drills. Our school district has had a long-standing and successful working relationship with state troopers at Troop B. We also have a school security upgrade taking place at the school this summer which will replace many exterior and interior doors and hardware, cameras as well as other security measures.
We are fortunate to have a strong school community. While remaining vigilant, we will continue to enjoy our positive school environment. We are appreciative of everyone’s efforts in keeping the members of our school community safe.

Thank you for your continued support of Colebrook Consolidated School.

Bob Gilbert, Superintendent

Beth Driscoll, Principal

Colebrook Consolidated School

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Party Selected Delegated to Conventions


Party-Selected Delegated to Conventions

A certified list of party-selected candidates for the Republican Party in the Town of Colebrook for participation as DELEGATES to the convention(s) of said Party specified below is on file in my office at 562 Colebrook Road, Colebrook, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution.


2022 Congressional District 1 Convention

2022 State Senate District 8 Convention

2022 Judge of Probate District 23 Convention

2022 State House District 63 Convention

2022 State Convention

April 1, 2022

Debra L. McKeon, CCTC



Party-Selected Delegated to Conventions

A certified list of party-selected candidates for the Democratic Party in the Town of Colebrook for participation as DELEGATES to the convention(s) of said Party specified below is on file in my office at 562 Colebrook Road, Colebrook, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution.


2022 Congressional Convention

2022 State Senate Convention

2022 State Assembly Convention

2022 Probate Judge Convention

2022 State Party Convention

April 1, 2022

Debra L. McKeon, CCTC


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