Greetings from Colebrook Town Hall

Greetings from Colebrook Town Hall.

Town Hall will be closed Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day. We will re-open Tuesday, September 3rd, at 8:30 a.m.

Next week, trash pickup will be delayed one day, for Labor Day. Thursday pickup will be on Friday, and Friday pickup will be on Saturday.

It has been a busy few days at Colebrook Consolidated School, with HVAC site work being completed, teacher preparation for the academic year—and our community back-to-school celebration on Wednesday. With school in session, please watch out for school buses and bicycles.

If you missed the wet down ceremony last Saturday for the Colebrook Fire Department Forge Company’s new tanker/rescue truck, you can check out our new truck at the Colebrook Labor Day Fair on Saturday. It’s the newest member of a fleet of six Town Fire Department vehicles, two at the Forge firehouse and four at the Center firehouse.

As part of our ongoing efforts to secure grants to help fund Town operations, I am pleased to share that our Registrars of Voters, Sherri Gray and Karen Odell, have secured $5,000 from the Center for Tech and Civic Life for election support in Colebrook this year.

The Town will begin accepting applications for energy assistance beginning September 9th. Please contact Karen to set an appointment or contact her with any questions at

The Connecticut Mosquito Management Program has confirmed the presence of West Nile virus (WNV) in mosquitoes collected from a testing site in Farmington. This marks the first positive identification of the virus in Farmington this season. No human cases have been reported with WNV-associated illnesses acquired in Farmington and the risk level remains low at this time. According to the Connecticut Mosquito Management program, 180 human cases of West Nile virus, including four fatalities, have been reported in Connecticut residents since 2000.

Upcoming community events

The 79th annual Colebrook Fair will take place on Saturday, August 31st, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Festivities include a Car & Motorcycle Show from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Frog Jumping & Pet Show (with registration at 9 a.m.), 40 vendors, and food. See a schedule of events here. See our food options here.

On Saturday, the historic Rock School will be open from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. From 1779 until 1911, the Rock School continuously served Colebrook as a schoolhouse. It is located at the corner of Colebrook Road (Route 183) and Sandy Brook Road. This schoolhouse museum is the only colonial era school in Connecticut that has never been modernized in any way.

Entry forms, cardboard and duct tape for the Colebrook Fair Cardboard Regatta are available at Town Hall. The Regatta features homemade cardboard boats with judges selecting winners for each race, and awards for categories including the “Funky-est” boat and best costume. Registration will take place from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Town Pond. Festivities begin at 3 p.m.

Upcoming municipal board meetings

School Building Committee – Wednesday, September 4th, at 6 p.m. at Colebrook Consolidated School.
Board of Education – Wednesday, September 4th, at 7 p.m. at Colebrook Consolidated School
Planning & Zoning – Monday, September 9th, at 6:30 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (Land Use office)
Board of Selectmen – Monday, September 9th, at 7 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (Upstairs meeting room)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at, or call me at 860.379.3359, extension 202.

Enjoy the Labor Day holiday. And I hope to see you at the Fair!

Brad Bremer
Colebrook First Selectman
860.379.3359 ext. 202

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