News from Colebrook Town Hall

Greetings from Colebrook Town Hall.

Repaving work was completed this week on Pine Road and at the Forge Firehouse parking lot. This follows the completion last week of repaving on Old Forge, Robertsville and Eno Hill Roads. Driveway aprons have also been finished—and curbs will be added next week.

This year, 3 miles were repaved in Town (in addition to the Forge Firehouse lot). The majority (78%) of the cost was paid for by a Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) grant from the State, with the Town picking up the balance.

This repaving work follows chip sealing of 9 miles of roads during June (an investment borne exclusively by the Town). Our goal is to chip seal roads every five years to maintain their longevity, and we budget accordingly.

With the paving and chip sealing season drawing to a close, our Public Works crew will shift their focus to roadside maintenance, including mowing and drainage projects.

On Monday, the Board of Selectmen received an update from the Prock Hill Road project contractor and the resident paying for the work. We want to thank residents who attended to learn more about the project, and share their thoughts. The goal is to make the intersection of Route 183 and Prock Hill Road safer. As noted, the work is being exclusively done in the State’s right-of-way and has been approved (and the safety of its design certified) by the State Department of Transportation. The project is expected to be completed during the second half of July, weather permitting.

Work has begun on the Colebrook Consolidated School HVAC project, with the installation of a new inside-the-building hatchway to provide safer access to the school’s attic, both for this project, and other attic access infrastructure needs. We’ll provide updates as the HVAC project continues.

Tomorrow, the Boards of Finance and Selectmen will meet in Executive Session with representatives from Wind Colebrook South regarding their multi-year tax appeal.

The Colebrook Labor Day Fair will be held on Saturday, August 31st, with many volunteer opportunities available. If you’re interested in volunteering, reach out to Karen at

Bulk waste pickup is available every week for items that will not fit in your bin. Call 860.379.1662 by Thursday of each week for Friday morning pickup.

Upcoming Town events:

 On Friday, July 26th, the Colebrook Historical Society will begin its 2024 Friday Night Gathering speaker series. These events begin with refreshments at the Seymour Inn at 7:00 p.m., followed by the evening’s presentation in the upstairs meeting room at Colebrook Town Hall.

 The topic on July 26th will be “The Hidden History of Litchfield County.” Local historian/author Peter C. Vermilyea will share stories of some forgotten moments in Litchfield County, from Native American legends to Cold War relics. Everyone is invited to attend.

Two future gatherings have been scheduled: “You Can Judge a Book by its Cover” (Aug.16th), and “The Civilian Conservation Corp – Its History and Work in CT.” (Oct. 18th).

 Upcoming municipal board meetings:

Joint Board of Finance-Board of Selectmen (Executive session) – Friday, July 12th, at 3 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (upstairs meeting room)

Affordable Housing Committee – Tuesday, July 16th, at 7 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (upstairs meeting room)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at, or call me at 860.379.3359, extension 202.



Brad Bremer

Colebrook First Selectman

860.379.3359 ext. 202

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