News from Colebrook Town Hall

Greetings from Colebrook Town Hall.

For the next two weeks, curbside trash and recycling pickup will be pushed back one day due to the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Thursday pickups will be on Friday and Friday pickups will be on Saturday.

Town Hall will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th, and Wednesday, December 25th, for Christmas, and on New Year’s Day.

At this week’s Board of Selectmen meeting, Bryce Zygmont was appointed to serve as a regular member of the Inland & Wetlands Commission, and Chris Gray was appointed to serve as an alternate. Michael Corbin and Duncan Wilber were appointed to serve as alternates on the Colebrook Conservation Commission.

Also at the Selectmen’s meeting, Andrew Bakulski and AJ Ruwet were appointed to the joint Colebrook-Norfolk K-6 Educational Collaboration Exploratory Committee being formed. Two more appointments are expected in January to fulfill Colebrook’s four seats on this committee.

Last week, representatives from the Barkhamsted, Colebrook, New Hartford and Norfolk Boards of Finance and Selectmen met with officials from Northwestern Regional #7 to kick off the annual budgeting process for our shared Middle School/High School. This will culminate with the annual budget referendum in May.

We are in discussion with Logix ITS, manufacturers of our radar speed signs on Routes 8 and 183, regarding a complementary traffic study. The purpose is to help us understand compliance with posted speed limits—and to inform other options to help improve traffic safety. Canaan, Warren and Winsted are considering similar studies.

Next week, we will be testing the water quality for our new Town well, the final step in our process of shifting over from our existing well. The new well is being paid for with a grant from the Draper Foundation Fund at the Northwest CT Community Foundation.

The second installment for taxes is due January 1st, 2025. To avoid penalty, payment must be received or postmarked by February 1st, 2025 . For more information, please contact Tax Collector Laura Bartlett at 860.379.3359, ext. 204, or at

Bulk waste pickup is available every week for items that will not fit in your bin. Please call 860.379.1662 by Thursday of each week for Friday morning pickup.

Electronic recycling can be disposed of at the Town Garage (43 Sandy Brook Road) in the container to the right of the garage. Please leave your items outside of the storage unit to be packaged and processed.

The Selectman’s office is continuing to accept appointments for energy assistance applications. Please contact Karen to set up at appointment at, or call 860.379.3359, ext. 201.

This week, the Colebrook Lions Club recognized nine sixth graders at Colebrook Consolidated School for their participation in the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest, a global initiative to encourage students to express their vision of peace. Congratulations to first place winner Greyson Hepburn and runners up Gianna Ross and Maddox Grindle-Artruc.

Upcoming municipal board meetings

Board of Education – Wednesday, January 8th, at 7 p.m. at Colebrook Consolidated School

Planning & Zoning – Monday, January 13th, at 6:30 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (Land Use office)

Board of Selectmen – Monday, January 13th, at 7 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (upstairs meeting room)

Our next Town Hall newsletter will be sent on Thursday, January 9th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at, or call me at 860.379.3359, extension 202.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Brad Bremer
Colebrook First Selectman
860.379.3359 ext. 202

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