Greetings from Colebrook Town Hall.

On Tuesday, 326 residents voted on the referendum to consider a 20-year, $4.9 million tax stabilization agreement with Wind Colebrook South. This was approximately 30 percent of eligible voters, and well in excess of the turnout for the annual Town and Region 7 budgets in May. The referendum passed by a vote of 192-134.

Acceptance of this agreement by Colebrook taxpayers will provide the Town with a predictable source of revenue, avoid further ongoing legal expense, and prevent other pending appeals from moving forward.

Last week, at a special meeting of the Board of Finance, a special appropriation of $49,732 was approved from the Town’s Contingency Fund. This was done to comply with a court order for the purpose of installing a septic system to mitigate a public health issue. To secure this debt, the Town will levy a real estate lien against the property.

Curbside trash and recycling pickup will be delayed one day the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s Day. Thursday pickups will be on Friday, and Friday pickups will be on Saturday those weeks.

Bulk waste pickup is available every week for items that will not fit in your bin. Please call 860.379.1662 by Thursday of each week for Friday morning pickup.

Electronic recycling can be disposed of at the Town Garage (43 Sandy Brook Road) in the container to the right of the garage. Please leave your items outside of the storage unit to be packaged and processed.

The Selectmen’s office is continuing to accept appointments for energy assistance applications. Please contact Karen to set up at appointment at, or call 860.379.3359, ext. 201.

Upcoming community events and fundraisers

The Colebrook Holiday Fair will be held this Saturday (December 14th) from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The day will include breakfast with Santa, a Holiday Fair with vendors, Cookieland, the Holiday Café, and more.

Breakfast with Santa will take place from 9-11 a.m. in the lower level of the Colebrook Congregational Church on Saturday, December 14th.

The Colebrook Historical Society’s “Christmas Treasures” Silent Auction will continue on Saturday, December 14th, from 9 a.m.-noon in the Seymour Inn. Final bids are due at noon.

Upcoming municipal board meetings

Board of Finance – Thursday, December 12th, at 6 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (Land Use office)

Board of Selectmen – Monday, December 16th, at 7 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (Upstairs meeting room)

Inland Wetlands – Tuesday, December 17th, at 6:30 p.m. at Colebrook Town Hall (Land Use office)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at, or call me at 860.379.3359, extension 202.



Brad Bremer

Colebrook First Selectman

860.379.3359 ext. 202



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