Last night, representatives from Northwestern Regional 7 (NWR7) Middle School & High School presented their proposed FY 25/26 operating budget at Town Hall. NWR7 is proposing a 2.78% increase for next fiscal year.
The NWR7 budget will be voted on by referendum in the four towns comprising Region 7 (Colebrook, Barkhamsted, New Hartford and Norfolk) during May. If approved, Colebrook’s assessment for FY 25/26 will increase by $164,399, based on the proposed increase in the overall budget, and our share of the student population.
A budget hearing will be held on Thursday, April 10th, at Colebrook Town Hall at 7 p.m. to discuss the proposed Colebrook Consolidated School and Selectmen’s (i.e., Town Hall and Department of Public Works) budgets, as well as the Board of Finance’s proposed mill rate for FY 25/26.
The Community & Senior Center is seeking candidates to succeed Dana Towers as Co-Director of the Center upon her departure in June. For more information, or to apply, please contact me at<>.
Today’s March Birthday Luncheon at the Community & Senior Center featured 60s music played by The Garage Band from Northwestern Regional 7, a 5-piece student musical group. Breakfast is served at the Center every Tuesday from 8-9:15 a.m. for $6; lunch is served every Thursday at noon for $7. Advance registration (by Tuesday of each week) is required for lunch.
In collaboration with USA Recycling, the town is considering a one-year food composting pilot program. An informational meeting will be held in April (date to be determined) at Colebrook Town Hall to provide interested residents with more details. A representative from USA Recycling will be on hand, as well as the chair of the Salisbury/Sharon Transfer Station Recycling Advisory Committee, to discuss their experience with composting.
Shared Services, our regional educational collaborative, is introducing an integrated pre-school program this fall at Barkhamsted Elementary School. For more information, please contact Daniela Belanger at 860.307.9170, or<>.
Upcoming events and fundraisers
The Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Ceremony 2025 will be held on Thursday, March 27th, at 10 a.m. at the Gold Star Families Memorial Auditorium in Rocky Hill, at 287 West Street. This event is sponsored by the Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs.
Connecticut Veterans Affairs residential staff will hold their inaugural Veterans Coffee House on Friday, March 28th, from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the Visitors Lounge, adjacent to the main flagpole (under the awning labeled “Transportation Center”) in Rocky Hill. This will be a bi-weekly event on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of every month. The event is open to Veterans to gather with other Veterans, share stories, and enjoy a supportive community.
The Northwestern Regional 7 Theatre will present “Into the Woods,” Friday, April 4th, and Saturday, April 5th, at 7 p.m., with a 2 p.m. matinee performance on Sunday, April 6th. Tickets are available at the door, or here<>.
The Colebrook Community & Senior Center is hosting a second, “Paint and Sip” with June Seiser on Wednesday, April 9th, from 6-9 p.m. RSVP by April 3rd, to<>, or call 860.738.9521.
The Colebrook Lions Club will sponsor their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 12th, at 11 a.m., on the soccer field at Colebrook Consolidated School.
The annual Kids Fishing Derby, sponsored by the Colebrook Recreation Board, will be held on Sunday, May 18th, from 9-11 a.m. at the Colebrook Pond. Learn more here<file:///C:/Users/bbremer/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/7BHU4RC7/fishing%2520derby2025.pdf>. Register here<>.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at<>, or call me at 860.379.3359, extension 202.
Brad Brad Bremer Colebrook First Selectman 860.379.3359 ext. 202